Optimizing HRM Practices and Decision-Making Quality through Big Data Quality Components

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Sfax, Tunisia.

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Management, University of Sfax, Tunisia.



This research aims to examine the impact of Big Data Quality (BDQ) components, including completeness, accuracy, format, and currency, on Big Data-driven Human Resources (BDHRP) management practices and Decision-Making Quality (DMQ) from the viewpoint of HR managers. It also seeks to identify the most impactful components among completeness, accuracy, format, and currency in the context of BDHRP and DMQ. A survey of HR professionals in 108 French organizations deploying Big Data Analytics systems revealed positive relationships between BDQ, BDHRP, and DMQ. Statistical analyses conducted with the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLSEM) method showed a positive relationship between BDQ components and BDHRP, with currency and accuracy emerging as the most influential factors. Additionally, a strong positive relationship was found between BDQ components and DMQ, with currency and accuracy leading the way. The research also found a significant connection between BDHRP and DMQ, further underscoring the importance of effective HRM practices in enhancing decision-making quality. These findings contribute significantly to understanding the crucial role played by big data quality in BDHRP and decision-making, highlighting the potential for organizations to improve outcomes by focusing on currency and accuracy-related concerns. In practical terms, this research offers insights that can guide data quality practices, resource allocation, and strategic decision-making within organizations.


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