Digital Transformation through Artificial Intelligence in Organizations: A Systematic Literature Review

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Information Systems Management, ISCAE Manouba University, Tunisia.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Information Systems Management, University of Gafsa, Tunisia

3 Associate Professor, Department of Management at ISTEC Business School, Tunisia.



The current paper reviews the present literature in the most known scientific databases in the management and business fields about artificial intelligence (AI) and digital transformation within organizations. The main objective is to extract related research axes and uncover gaps in this emergent topic. The methodology used is a systematic literature review with RStudio software based on 36 selected papers from the Scopus and Web of Science (WOS) databases in the period of 2019-2024. The main axes identified are AI potential for organizations’ performance, innovation and AI potentials, and AI adoption determinants. Regarding the discussion and analysis of the results, future directions are projected to cover all sides of digital transformation through AI tools. The main contribution of this paper is to provide researchers and practitioners with current advancements and changes in Al tools utilized to facilitate digital transformation within evolving economic and social landscapes for companies.


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