Understanding Millennial Adoption of E-Recruitment Platform: A Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) Method

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduate Student, Department of Technology Management, Faculty of Business, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Tangerang, Indonesia.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Technology Management, Faculty of Business, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Tangerang, Indonesia.



This study aimed to analyze the factors that influenced millennial use of E-recruitment (online recruitment), through the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). In this regard, TAM was extended by incorporating trust and privacy in the context of millennial technology adoption. A cross-sectional quantitative survey was carried out, utilizing purposive sampling of millennials who used the E-recruitment platform. The data were obtained from 270 respondents and analyzed with Partial-Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to explore the relationships between the factors. The results showed that perceived ease of use and trust had a significant influence on millennials’ intention to use E-recruitment services. Meanwhile, perceived usefulness and privacy did not have a significant influence. Intention to use E-recruitment services was a strong predictor of actual use. This study provided a practical understanding for human resource professionals and organizations that aim to improve E-recruitment strategies. It was emphasized that ease of use and building trust were important criteria used for promoting adoption among millennials. Future studies are recommended to use diverse samples and investigate the impact of technostress and cultural factors on E-recruitment adoption. In addition, it is necessary to evaluate employers’ perspectives, which can provide a more in-depth understanding of technology adoption in E-recruitment.


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