Consumers’ Impulse Buying Behavior on E-Commerce Shopping Platforms: 7C Framework and Emotions

Document Type : Research Paper


Faculty of Business and Management, Open University Malaysia, Campus Kelana Centre Point, Jalan SS7/19, SS 7, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.



The world of digital marketing has been fast advancing in recent times. Marketers have developed various practices to attract consumers to their products and services. Online shopping applications have introduced different methods to encourage consumer impulse buying. However, past literature has overlooked the 7C framework, despite its introduction during the early stages of e-commerce development. Thus, this study aims to examine the dimensions of digital marketing and the mediating role of emotions on impulse buying behavior in e-commerce shopping platforms. This study used the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) framework as the underpinning theory for developing the proposed framework. The 7Cs framework, serving as the stimulus (S), includes content, context, commerce, customization, connection, communication, and community. Emotions represent the organism (O), while impulse buying behavior is the response (R). A survey was conducted to collect data from 331 shoppers from two major online platforms in Malaysia. Exploratory Factor Analysis was performed and revealed six dimensions of digital marketing. Furthermore, it was found that emotions partially mediate the relationship of (a) context, (b) connection, and (c) commerce on impulse buying behavior. Emotions fully mediate the relationship between (a) communication and (b) customization on impulse buying behavior. This study enhances the understanding of the 7C framework, which is underexplored in the context of e-commerce. The 7C framework can be used to assess not only website design but also the design of e-commerce shopping platforms.


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