Exploring the Nexus of Big Data Capabilities, Business Model Innovation, and Firm Performance in Uncertain Environments: A Systematic Review

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Taylor’s University, School of Management & Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law, Malaysia; School of Digital Economics and Management, Suzhou City University, China.

2 Taylor’s University, School of Management & Marketing, Faculty of Business and Law, Malaysia.

3 Universiti Kuala Lumpur Business School, Malaysia.



This paper provides a systematic review of the literature on big data capabilities, business model innovation, firm performance, and environmental uncertainty. It aims to establish a foundation for theoretical modeling, research proposition refinement, and the overall research framework by meticulously examining the theoretical backgrounds of existing studies and identifying research gaps. An initial search yielded 1,360 articles, which were filtered to remove duplicates and irrelevant studies, resulting in 475 articles for final analysis. These articles were classified into three main categories: the relationship between big data capabilities and business model innovation, the impact of business model innovation on firm performance, and the integrated relationship involving environmental uncertainty. Additionally, it examines the mediating role of business model innovation on firm performance as well as the moderating effect of environmental uncertainty on these relationships. Finally, the paper formulates research hypotheses and discusses identified research gaps, establishing a solid groundwork for methodological discussions in future research and contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the field.


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