Document Type : Research Paper
1 Ph.D. Candidate at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Business Sciences and Management Sciences; Management Laboratory for Sustainable Economic Institutions, Hamma Lakhdar EL-Oued University, Algeria.
2 Associate Prof., at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Business Sciences and Management Sciences; Management Laboratory for Sustainable Economic Institutions, Hamma Lakhdar EL-Oued University, Algeria.
3 Associate Prof. at the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Business Sciences and Management Sciences, Endogenous Development Laboratory, Self-Development, and Good Governance, University of Guelma, Algeria.
4 Researcher in Business Economics, Member of Laboratory (LEGO & DEcIDE), Technical University of Cartagena and University of Brest. Spain-France.
5 Ph.D. Candidate, University of Ain Temouchent and University of Brighton, Department of Economic Sciences, Economic Faculty, Ain Temouchent BP 284, Algeria-UK.
6 Ph.D. in Management Science, University of Carthage –Tunisia.
With the current changes and contemporary intellectual currents and the emergence of forces that have influenced the global economy (Guaita Martínez et al., 2020), including globalization (Rezaei et al., 2018), information and communication technology (Sunday & Vera, 2018). In addition to the trend towards a knowledge economy (Guaita Martínez et al., 2020), the economic and institutional perspective has witnessed a shift towards immaterial resources and an increase in interest in the changes.
Therefore, organizations find themselves today in an environment based on knowledge resources. It is not enough to reduce the cost or partially improve services and products only. Instead, their distinction has become mostly dependent on their capabilities to generate that knowledge and use it to create new products and services. Developing wisdom is one of the essential management processes (Ode & Ayavoo, 2020). Learning contributes to acquiring new knowledge and helping organizations enrich their intellectual capital (Kianto et al., 2017). Therefore, institutions are working to attract individuals with high skills and competencies (Zaitseva et al., 2017).
On the other hand, and in light of all these circumstances and changes promoted by technological development, most institutions seek to search for ways and means that would support their competitive position, from this point of view the organizational creativity (Fortwengel et al., 2017) activity emerges as one of the modern methods adopted by new institutions through the application of the process of knowledge generation As the catalytic climate for this activity, and because the value of modern organizations, as most researchers assert, lies in non-material assets, i.e., human resources, which makes it imperative for them to pay attention to the generation of knowledge (Grigoriou & Rothaermel, 2017) hoarded in the minds of these resources and their access to creativity spread by knowledge institutions.
This study's main objective is to identify what CASNOS company adoption of knowledge generation can have and its impact on organizational creativity by achieving the following partial goals: Determine the importance of knowledge generation at CASNOS. To illustrate the effect of each element of the knowledge generation process on organizational innovation at CASNOS, Make recommendations to CASNOS decision-makers to demonstrate how effective knowledge generation is on corporate innovation
In this recent study, we highlight an essential factor of the success of the institution now as it is the process of Knowledge Generation, as it is a necessary and modern topic that requires leaders and employees alike to acquire new knowledge and stimulate creative energies, which is reflected in improving their performance levels. The importance is focused on the findings reached regarding the correlation between knowledge generation and organizational creativity, making the decision-maker at CASNOS realize the importance of generating organizational creativity in the organization.
Theoretical background and hypotheses
Previous research has identified the value of supporting organizational creativity in mobilizing internal information sources to produce new ideas (Balau et al., 2020). In this word, Organizational invention for small and medium-sized enterprises that are the generation of new ideas was defined as a recombination method (Balau et al., 2020). "Organizational creativity" implies the ability to generate fresh and useful ideas concerning goods, services, procedures, management practices and strategic strategies (Olszak et al., 2017). Organizational innovation is often related to a multidisciplinary viewpoint, involving the expertise of multi-functional organization teams from various fields of experience who work together and complement each other to develop new perspectives on problem-solving and generating creative projects (Muzzio & Paiva Júnior, 2018). Creativity-oriented HRM programs can boost innovation and creativity by improving employees' creative awareness and skills, offering in-depth encouragement, and giving them more opportunities to engage in creative activities (Song et al., 2019). From this context, visionary leadership is focused on both generation and information sharing (Muzzio & Paiva Júnior, 2018). In sum, knowledge-sharing gains in cognitive and social exchange will promote new ideas (Rhee & Choi, 2017). A positive relationship between institutionalization and creativity means that codified awareness is instrumental in generating creative thought and ideas.
After reviewing a series of previous studies on the subject of our research, we note that it is consistent with our research in dealing with the topics of knowledge generation and organizational creativity in the institution in general, but what distinguishes this study from its predecessors is that it has linked the variable of knowledge generation in its following dimensions: (sharing, Incarnation, Assimilation, aggregation), and organizational creativity in the organization in its following sizes: Authenticity. Fluency. Allergies. For problems. Risk. Flexibility) and study the relationship between them on the ground in the social security institution for non CASNOS.
Social security for non-performing (CASNOS) (Ben Braham, 2009) was established as a critical system from 1958 to the end of 1974 and covered only retirement performances, and from 1975 coverage was withdrawn to include social insurance (illness, motherhood, disability, and death). In 1983, when the social security system was reformed, non-performing social security was integrated into the single and unified approach, where the tasks of running the retirement of the National Pension Fund and the functions of the social insurance of the National Fund for Social Insurance, work accidents and occupational diseases were entrusted to cnasat. In 1992, an executive decree 92-07 was issued to re-establish the legally unpaid Fund. CASNOS El-Oued is in the east of the El-Oued state court road opposite the guest house bordered to the south by a gas station and west the main road and to the north the headquarters of al-Jadeed newspaper. To the east, a residential neighborhood with 72 workers divided according to their tasks within the Fund and four centers branched into three circles: A window for a change with four municipal offices, founded on January 30, 1998, with seven workers. A university center with two municipal offices, established on March 1, 1999, has four workers. A gambling center with two offices owned by the Fund was founded in January 2004 and 4 workers.
The study is based on the H0 hypothesis: there is no statistically significant effect on promoting CASNOS organizational creativity. There are four sub hypotheses:
There is no statistically significant effect on the organizational creativity of CASNOS at the significance level (α ≤ 0.05).
There is no statistically significant effect of embodying CASNOS' organizational creativity at the significance level (α ≤ 0.05).
There is no statistically significant effect on CASNOS' organizational creativity at the significance level (α ≤ 0.05).
There is no statistically significant impact of the compilation on CASNOS' organizational creativity at the significance level (α ≤ 0.05).
This study is one of the rare studies dealing with the case of CASNOS, which aims to assess knowledge generation's effectiveness and its relationship to organizational creativity from this institution's employees' perspective, whether they are frames or heads of departments.
The sample study comprises directors and heads of departments working at CASNOS, with a sample of 46 managers at the enterprise level in question. To achieve the study's objectives, 72 resolutions were distributed to managers and department heads working at CASNOS. (60) interview with a response rate of 83.33 was restored, and 14 interviews were excluded, bringing the number of a valid interview (46) to 63.88% of the total number of a distributed interview. The survey was relied upon as a vital tool in the collection of raw data, and this survey was developed based on a series of studies, which included a 3-part study as follows:
Part 1: General information and demographics in 4 phrases.
Part 2: Knowledge generation measured by 16 words.
Part 3: Organizational creativity measured in 6 phrases.
Likert scale (Likert, 1932) has been used, and the gradient in the user scale has been taken into account as follows:
Table 1. Likert scale (Likert, 1932)
Strongly Agree |
Agree |
Neutral |
Not Agree |
Strongly Disagree |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
Source: Authors.
Based on the above, all the arithmetic averages reached by the study will be dealt with as follows: (μ> 3.68= high), (2.34> μ >3.67 = average), (μ >2.33 = low) where (arithmetic average: μ) according to the following equation:
Higher value - The minimum value of answer alternatives divided by the number of levels i.e., …., and this value is equal to the length of the class. Thus, the low average level is from 1+1.33 = 2.33, the intermediate level is 2.34+1.33=3.67, and the high level is (3.68-5).
Table 2. Stability coefficient for internal consistency of independent and dependent variable paragraphs
Cronbach Alpha |
Variable name |
0.674 |
Sharing |
Independent variable (Knowledge Generation) |
0.831 |
Incarnation |
0.912 |
Assimilation |
0.740 |
Aggregation |
0.801 |
Organizational creativity |
Dependent variable |
Source: Authors.
To ensure the study tool's stability and consistency, the Cronbach Alpha test was used to show the results of the measurement of the height of the alpha coefficient for the resolution (0.791). The study tool's reform generally has a good stability factor in achieving the study objectives and the results' stability.
Data processing and analysis: To process data to test the study model and its imposition, different statistical methods and tools were used using 25SPSS, and descriptive statistical tools and techniques were used: repetitive distribution, percentages, computational averages, standard deviations, multiple linear analysis, and multiple regression.
Analysis of the characteristics of the study sample members:
From Table 3, we note that the youth group represents the largest percentage of an estimated 73.90% in the age group from 20 to under 40, reflecting the company's strategy of attracting, training, and retaining young people. The age group was only 40 to over 50 years old (26.10%), so most of the sample study was young.
Table 3. Distribution of sample vocabulary by personal and organizational characteristics (sample size 45)
Educational level |
Age |
Categories |
Frequency |
Proportions |
The ratio |
Frequency |
Proportions |
Less than secondary |
14 |
30.4 |
From 20 to 30 |
18 |
39.1 |
Secondary |
16 |
34.8 |
From 31 to 40 |
16 |
34.8 |
University student |
16 |
34.8 |
Over 40 |
12 |
26.1 |
Total |
46 |
100% |
Total |
46 |
100% |
The nature of the job |
Years of experience |
Categories |
Frequency |
Proportions |
Categories |
Frequency |
Proportions |
Leading |
14 |
30.4 |
Less than 5 |
17 |
37.0 |
Administrative technical |
19 |
41.3 |
From 5 to 10 |
12 |
26.1 |
supportive services |
13 |
28.3 |
More than 10 |
17 |
37.0 |
Source: Authors.
Table 3 shows that about (34.80%) of the sample members are those with university degrees and secondary level, i.e., there is an equality between the two categories. According to the Table, it shows that (30.40%) their level is lower than second. To attract university and secondary degree holders to ensure the minimum knowledge necessary to carry out tasks, the percentage of those with experience in the company from 5 to more than ten years is about (63.10%) It reflects the company's knowledge and professionalism so that it must be exploited through sharing and sharing knowledge between the various young energies of the company, which represents (73.90%).
Result and discussion
Knowledge Generation
The results of the analysis described in Table 4 showed that the relative importance of Knowledge Generation in the institution in question was average with an average calculation (3.195) and a standard deviation (0.997) compared to the highest value of the scale of 5, and paragraph 5: "The Foundation seeks to exchange knowledge and convert it from individual to collective level" in first place with an average of (3.52) and a standard deviation (1.206) and with relative importance (1.206) and with relative importance (1.10) "The foundation enjoyed the search for knowledge related to its activity from multiple sources" in the last place with a mathematical average (2.39) and a standard deviation (1.291), which explains why the generation of knowledge is of a medium level from the point of view of the study sample members. The Table also shows the low dispersion in the study sample members' responses, reflecting a convergence of pictures of the study sample members on the knowledge-generating process.
Table 4. The arithmetic means and standard deviations to generate knowledge
Standard Deviation |
Arithmetic Mean |
Knowledge Generation |
N° |
Sharing |
1.052 |
3.22 |
Supports and encourages the management of the Organization of Meetings and Interactions among its members to discuss organizational performance development issues on an ongoing basis. |
1 |
1.305 |
3.17 |
The management of the organization is keen to guide employees in the right ways of doing business periodically. |
2 |
1.283 |
3.33 |
The organizational culture of the organization supports knowledge sharing among employees |
3 |
1.513 |
3.02 |
The management of the organization encourages teamwork teams |
4 |
Personification |
1.206 |
3.52 |
The Foundation seeks to share knowledge and transform it from the individual level to the collective level |
5 |
1.300 |
3.00 |
The Foundation seeks to expand the scope of knowledge and transform it from implicit to written |
6 |
1.435 |
2.83 |
The Foundation encourages positive interaction between businesspeople to transform underlying knowledge into explicit knowledge. |
7 |
1.337 |
2.89 |
Motivates the Foundation to submit initiatives to improve management levels
8 |
Assimilation |
1.534 |
3.22 |
The Foundation encourages and motivates employees to participate in informal conferences and seminars to acquire new knowledge |
9 |
1.291 |
2.39 |
The organization has access to knowledge related to its activity from multiple sources |
10 |
1.490 |
2.85 |
The Foundation provides an interactive communication system between management and employees |
11 |
1.353 |
2.65 |
The Foundation integrates new knowledge and skills in all departments |
12 |
Aggregation |
1.334 |
2.67 |
The Foundation benefits from scientific research and studies to develop its policies and expand its knowledge field |
13 |
1.381 |
2.78 |
The Foundation seeks to group and integrate acquired knowledge into a knowledge system that allows it to be shared and applied. |
14 |
1.228 |
3.04 |
The Foundation organizes knowledge to benefit from it and enhances its organizational performance. |
15 |
1.305 |
3.17 |
The organization pays attention to organizational memory and continually updates it |
16 |
0.997 |
3.195 |
Average arithmetic and general standard deviation of knowledge generation |
Source: Authors
Organizational creativity at CASNOS
The results of the analysis described in Table 5 below showed that the level of importance of organizational creativity in question was relative with a mathematical average (3.152) and a standard deviation (1.079), with mathematical averages of respondents ranging from paragraphs related to organizational creativity (4.484-2.83) and the Table also shows the average dispersion of the responses of the study sample, reflecting similar views on organizational creativity in the organization.
The central hypothesis H0.1: There is no statistically significant effect of Knowledge Generation on CASNOS' organizational creativity at the level of significance (α ≤0.05); the multi-regression analysis was used to determine the impact of knowledge generation components organizational creativity, as shown in Table 6.
Table 5. The arithmetic means, standard deviations, and the level of importance for organizational creativity in the institution understudy
Average arithmetic |
Standard deviation |
Organizational creativity |
N° |
4.484 |
0.675 |
The Foundation encourages the contribution of individuals in the production of new ideas in the field of work |
17 |
3.33 |
1.283 |
The organization encourages its members to discover problems that can occur at work |
18 |
3.02 |
1.513 |
The Foundation has made radical changes in the performance of the various operations |
19 |
3.52 |
1.206 |
The Foundation has adopted new management patterns (participation in decision-making and decentralization) |
20 |
2.98 |
1.308 |
The Foundation has organizational ideas and strategies that enable it to overcome crises on time. |
21 |
2.83 |
1.435 |
The Foundation has made modifications to its software and information system |
22 |
3.152 |
1.079 |
Average arithmetic and general standard deviation of organizational creativity |
Source: Authors.
Table 6. Results of multiple linear analysis of knowledge generation and organizational innovation components
Sig* |
F |
(R2) |
(R) |
Variable |
0.000 |
8.525 |
0.454 |
0.674 |
Knowledge Generation |
*The effect is statistically significant at the level (α ≤ 0.05).
The results show that the effect of the four knowledge generation components combined was able to explain 5.4% of the change in performance, with the value of the explanation coefficient (0.454), and the importance of Sig=0.000 and F=8.525, i.e. 45.4% of the changes in CASNOS' organizational innovation component are due to the process of Knowledge Generation and the remaining 54.6% due to other variables that were not included in our study model, but this percentage is relatively small and this is due to one of the components of generating. The knowledge, which is the Aggregation of its relationship is weak and therefore its impact on organizational creativity is modest - we will address it in the Table 6 and can be explained that: the company does not have enough time to collect and organize the knowledge it generates, it needs a management to regulate the acquired and developed knowledge that comes through the use of communication methods, dialogue and interaction between the members of the institution in question to convert the available data into information and then to know ready-to-work knowledge that is available to all employees in order to apply, work and take care of it, The quest to embody this knowledge in the enterprise's strategy.
Therefore, it rejects the premise of zero and accepts the alternative hypothesis that: "There is an effect of knowledge generation on the promotion of organizational creativity at CASNOS at the level of significance (α ≤.0.05)".
The results of Table 7 show that the assimilation component had the largest effect among the four components of knowledge generation in organizational creativity, where (Sig = 0.000) and (ß = 0.511) (followed by the sharing component (Sig = 0.081) and (ß = 0.262), and then the personification element (Sig =0.091) and (ß =0.240), and finally the aggregate element (Sig = 0.454) and (ß = -121).
Table 7. Multiple regression coefficients and the moral level of knowledge generation components
Sig* |
T-value |
Standard error |
ß |
Components of customer knowledge management |
0.243 |
1.185 |
0.497 |
0.589 |
Fixed event |
0.081 |
1.788 |
0.141 |
0.252 |
Sharing |
0.091 |
1.730 |
0.146 |
0.252 |
Personification |
0.000 |
3.782 |
0.126 |
0.477 |
Comprehension |
0.454 |
-.756 |
0.185 |
- 0.140 |
Grouping |
Source: Authors.
*The effect is statistically significant at the level (α ≤0.05)
The relationship between knowledge generation variables can be included or expressed as the independent variable and organizational creativity as a dependent variable in:
The following equation:
(1) |
So: b0: the constant value
X1: First Interpreted Variable (Sharing)
X2: The Second Interpreted Variable (Incarnation)
X3: The Third Interpreted Variable (Assimilation)
X4: Third Interpreted Variable (Aggregation)
Y: dependent variable (organizational creativity)
The results of Table 7 show a positive relationship of moral significance between Assimilation and organizational creativity, since the ß value was (0.511) and since the calculated t value is equal to (3.782) at the level of indication (00.00) this indicates an effect direct statistical significance to absorb the organizational creativity in the institution in question, as the results also showed the existence of a statistical but weak relationship between both "sharing and organizational creativity" as well as between "Incarnation and organizational creativity" since the value of ß amounted to (0.252) for both and since the value of Calculated t is equal to each (1.788) and (1.730) respectively at the level of indication (0.081) and (0.091) this indicates a direct statistically significant effect of both sharing and Incarnation on organizational creativity, while the results of the absence of A statistical relationship between Aggregation and organizational creativity, since ß value amounted to (0.140-) and since the calculated t value is equal to (0.756) at an indication level (0.454), this indicates that there is no direct statistically significant effect of knowledge generation on organizational creativity, between The study model as a whole has a weak impact on CASNOS' organizational creativity through the four indicators.
Sub-hypothesis H0.1: "There is no statistically significant effect of sharing on CASNOS' organizational creativity at the level of significance (α ≤ 0.05). The results of Table 7 show a weak but morally significant relationship between the element of participation and organizational creativity since the ß value was (0.262) and the calculated t value was equal to (1.788) at the level of significance (0.081). This indicates that there is a direct and statistically significant effect of sharing on organizational creativity. Therefore, it accepts the premise of zero and rejects the alternative hypothesis that: "There is no effect of sharing on CASNOS' organizational creativity at the level of significance (α ≤ 0.05)".
Sub-hypothesis 2 H0.2: There is no statistically significant effect on CASNOS' organizational creativity at the level of significance (α ≤ 0.05). The results of Table 7 also showed a weak but also fragile relationship between Incarnation and organizational creativity, since the ß value was (0.240) and the calculated t value was equal to (1.730) at an indicative level (0.091). This indicates a direct and statistically significant effect of organizational Incarnation and creativity. The theme is the result of the premise of zero and rejects the alternative hypothesis that: "There is no effect of Incarnation on organizational creativity I have a level of significance (α ≤.0.05)".
Sub-hypothesis 3 H0.3: There is no statistically significant effect of Assimilation on the organizational creativity of CASNOS at the level of indication (α ≤0.05), while the results of a positive relationship with moral significance between Assimilation and organizational creativity appear since the value of ß (0.511) and since the calculated t value is equal to (3.782) at the level of indication (0.000). Therefore, it rejects the premise of zero and accepts the alternative hypothesis that: "There is an impact of assimilation on the organizational creativity of CASNOS at the level of significance (α ≤0.05)."
Sub-hypothesis 4H0: There is no statistically significant effect of Aggregation on CASNOS' organizational creativity at the level of indication (α ≤0.05), according to the results obtained in countries No. (06) shows no effect of Aggregation on organizational creativity where the value of ß (0.121-). The calculated t value is equal to This indicates no impact and Aggregation on organizational creativity.
To determine which components of knowledge generation, have the most significant impact on organizational creativity. The gradient slope has been applied in Table 8.
Table 8. Results of the analysis of the gradual regression of components of knowledge generation determinants and organizational creativity
Model |
Sig* |
F |
(R2) |
(R) |
Variable |
1 |
0.000 |
20.040 |
0.313 |
0.559 |
Assimilation |
2 |
0.01 |
7.244 |
0.412 |
0.642 |
Sharing & Assimilation |
Source: Authors.
The results of Table 8 indicate that the first model of Assimilation explains 31.3% of the variability in organizational innovation where Sig=0.000, F=20.04, and R2 =0.313. In contrast, the second model refers to Assimilation and sharing combined, which explain41.2% of the change. In performance Sig=0.000, F=7.2.44, and R2=0.412, the second model thus proves that sharing increases only by (0.099%) to explain the shift from the first model that contains the only Assimilation. Therefore, the gradient regression proves that Assimilation has an impact on career creativity, followed by sharing.
The study reached the following conclusions: The largest proportion of the age variable was the age group between 20 and 30 years of age, which was the highest frequency of 18 individuals with a percentage of 39.1%, and therefore the youth group constitutes most of the workforce at CASNOS (Wadi), reflecting the strategy of the institution in question in attracting, training, and retaining young people. The largest percentage of the educational level change was from two categories, university, and secondary degree holders, who had the highest frequency, with 16 individuals at 34.8%, indicating the Foundation's focus on attracting and employing university degree holders to ensure the minimum knowledge needed to carry out tasks and activities. The percentage of those who have experienced less than five years and more than ten years about (%37.0) repeats 17 individuals. It expresses the organization's knowledge and professional balance and must be exploited by sharing and sharing knowledge between the institution's various young energies, representing (74%) a frequency of 34.The results of the study showed that the generation of knowledge in CASNOS is medium-scoring, which is an acceptable degree, with a total computational average of 3.195 and a standard deviation of 0.997, as CASNOS is primarily interested in the element of assimilation and then transforming knowledge from visible knowledge into tacit knowledge, and secondly the process of sharing experiences in order to create implicit knowledge, followed by the process of Incarnation in terms of the process of verbal identification of implicit knowledge and then the transformation of knowledge from visible knowledge to implicit knowledge, and secondly the process of sharing experiences in order to create implicit knowledge, followed by the process of Incarnation in terms of the process of verbal identification of implicit knowledge and then the transformation of knowledge from visible knowledge to tacit knowledge, and secondly the process of sharing experiences in order to find implicit knowledge, followed by the process of Incarnation in terms of the process of verbal identification of implicit knowledge and then the transformation of knowledge from visible knowledge to tacit knowledge, and secondly the process of sharing experiences in order to create implicit knowledge, followed by the process of Incarnation in terms of the process of verbal identification of implicit knowledge and then the transformation of knowledge from visible knowledge to tacit knowledge, and secondly the process of sharing experiences in order to create implicit knowledge, followed by the process of Incarnation in terms of the process of verbal identification of implicit knowledge and then the transformation of knowledge from visible knowledge to tacit knowledge, and secondly the process of sharing experiences in order to find implicit knowledge CASNOS, and finally the area of aggregation in terms of the systematic organization of visible knowledge available with previous apparent knowledge related to the purposes of work within the institution in question. This study shows that CASNOS has an average organizational creativity level compared to its competitors and has an average B calculation (3,152). The statistical analysis results showed a statistically significant impact on the organizational creativity of CASNOS through the four indicators: "Sharing Incarnation, Assimilation, aggregation by 45.4%, which means that 54.6% are other factors that influence organizational creativity outside our study. The results of the research are explained under the following determinants: the use of the study tool, the survey, which means that the study will be attributed only to its date and time of the conduct, and this study was investigated on CASNOS, which means that caution should be exercised against circulating the results to other companies or other countries based on the results and determinants of the study, a set of proposed recommendations have been identified: CASNOS should be particularly interested in the process of Knowledge Generation in terms of Aggregation processes by collecting, classifying, organizing, preserving, and distributing knowledge to different levels of management to make other decisions. CASNOS managers need to be aware of the power of generating analytical knowledge and the strategic importance of gaining experience that will support the development of new services compared to competitors and thus depend on the organization's staff with the skills, expertise, and ability to achieve and generate new knowledge, and this is reflected in the organization's keenness to attract talented team in the field of knowledge generation delivery. The institution in question should reorganize the methodology of apparent knowledge available with visual experience related to working purposes within the organization CASNOS must find weak elements at work and shortcomings in organizational innovation to help workers generate new ideas or a unique solution to a particular problem in the organization CASNOS should provide mechanisms for investing the implicit knowledge of its workers and exalting all their potential.
Organizations find themselves today in the contemporary work environment in the face of intense competition based on non-traditional foundations, but despite the diversity of sources of excellence that enable institutions to achieve competitive advantages, but the essential one is knowledge, in the whole of what this study touched on concepts about expertise and with its increasing importance and the need for it continues to be considered the strategic resource of today's institutions, increased with it the volume of the process of Knowledge Generation, which is the center of our study, it is one of the essential techniques of knowledge management because it is based on gaining and creating an experience. New so that this knowledge contributes to enriching the knowledge stock of individuals and the institution, as well as organizational creativity is one of the most critical factors that help the institution to achieve its goals by blowing up the creative ideas of its members, as organizational creativity receives excellent attention from organizations to raise their competencies and ensure their continuity and profitability. This study attempted to highlight the relationship between knowledge generation and organizational creativity at CASNOS in the El-Oued, where this study found that there is a strong relationship between them amounting to 45.4% and that the contribution of the process of Knowledge Generation and its impact on organizational creativity varies according to its dimensions. There is no doubt that the study has made a clear contribution to highlighting the role of knowledge generation in the organizational creativity of CASNOS researchers in the El-Oued state, which highlighted the existence of a strong relationship between the variables of the study dependent (corporate innovation) and independent (Knowledge Generation), the latter has an influential role in promoting organizational creativity if the institution provides and applies the concept of developing the ability to achieve outstanding performance.