Technology Enhanced Internationalization in Higher Education, Non-Traditional Indicators

Document Type : Int. Conf. on Communication Management and Information Technology- ICCMIT'20


1 Lecturer and Researcher, Riga Technical University, ICFSD.

2 Senior Researcher, Riga Technical University, ICFSD.


This paper describes an alternative view of the internationalization process in higher education by comparing the traditional and non-traditional indicators on how the level of internationalization is measured; additionally, barriers that exist on both sides are reviewed and discussed. As higher education institutions are very accustomed to and focused on the number of international students, international cooperation agreements, visiting guest professors and international projects, another dimension could be added if we start to account and measure things that are happening in the digital communication, online data exchange, usage of mobile devices and other technologies. Authors argue that it would be necessary to include this perspective in the development of internationalization strategies, institutional development plans as well as external outreach tactics. The paper is based upon empirical knowledge coming from Erasmus+ KA2 project and a brief institutional self-assessment performed by Riga Technical University International Cooperation and Foreign Students Department.


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