Enterprise Resilience Behavioral Management in a Decision Support System

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor, Department of Marketing, Reputation and Customer Experience Management, State Biotechnological University, 44 Alchevskikh Street, Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Marketing, Reputation and Customer Experience Management, State Biotechnological University, 44 Alchevskikh Street, Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Reputation and Customer Experience Management, State Biotechnological University, 44 Alchevskikh Street, Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.



This article identifies the factors for managing the behavioral resilience of a firm in the face of exogenous shocks in the economy. Its main hypothesis is that each enterprise has certain resilience competencies that need to be strengthened and developed in the future. The paper identifies 17 key competencies that determine the behavioral resilience of an enterprise. Using the method of factor analysis, a model of behavioral resilience is built, which is used to support management decision-making.  The factor model of behavioral resilience SELF&IRR includes 7 competencies: S – Speed of response to processes and events; E – Endurance; L – Leadership; F – Flexibility; I – Innovation, ideas, ingenuity; R – Responsibility; R – Resource capabilities. This model can be used to determine the level of behavioral resilience, based on which a decision is made on the choice of the enterprise's strategy. Depending on the level of behavioral resilience, the management staff decides on the choice of a certain strategy (systemic transformation; structural transformation; local changes in the firm's competencies; adaptation of competencies to changes), which is aimed at strengthening the firm's viability and development. The successful execution of a chosen strategy enhances the firm's capacity to withstand current and future threats while actively seeking or purposefully creating new opportunities for development.


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