A Blockchain Network for Public Health Interoperability and Real-Time Data Sharing

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Information Technology, College of Computer, Qassim University, Buraydah, Saudi Arabia.



In terms of storage and consumption, blockchain technology is poised to transform the way we manage healthcare data. The primary goal is to empower individuals to take charge of their health records, allowing them to become independent of the institutions or organizations they use. Elec-tronic Health Records (EHRs) can be tracked in a novel and unique way through blockchain tech-nology and smart contracts. This technology can give patients more control over their data. Health practitioners and institutions, such as hospitals, may be granted access to patient data controlled by other organizations. This research highlights how blockchain technology can be used to manage EHRs while improving operational efficiency through process simplification and transparency. Additionally, the study proposes an architecture for managing and sharing healthcare data across enterprises. The suggested approach could significantly reduce the time required to transfer patient data among various health organizations while lowering overall costs.


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