Engineering of Techno-Pedagogical Innovation in Science and Technique of Physical and Sports Activities (Ctsstaps)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Physico-Chemistry of Materials, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of sciences Ben M’sik, Hassan II University of Casablanca, BP 50069, Casablanca Morocco.

2 Laboratory of Education and Training Sciences, Evaluation of Sport Sciences and Didactic of Physical Activity, Higher Normal School, Hassan II University of Casablanca, BP 50069, Ghandi, Casablanca Morocco.

3 Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry and Physico-Chemistry of Materials, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of sciences Ben M’sik, Hassan II University of Casablanca, BP 50069, Ghandi, Casablanca Morocco.


In an EPS lesson, the student can learn in three different ways, including learning by doing, observing, or thinking; the last method will be the subject of our study, the objective of which is to show how a debate of ideas (sociocognitive conflict), between a group of students will make it possible to construct learning through the educational mediation of the teacher? So by verbalizing the problems encountered in learning situations and concretizing theoretical behaviors (proceduralization of knowledge), students will be able to learn in an autonomous and responsible manner (self-management). This expected result is one of the purposes of competence-based pedagogy as well as the pedagogical orientations, namely to train a citizen capable of developing powers of analysis and reflection and the ability to adapt (the national charter for education and training) Control groups were planned to facilitate comparison of the results. At the end of the experiment, we noticed that the students in the experienced groups made greater progress than those in the control groups. The progress that has been made by the experienced groups confirms the research hypothesis that the learning built by the students themselves through a collective project based on the verbalization of actions and problem solving is not only more profitable for the students but also for the teacher


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