Opinion Mining in Persian Language

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc. student in Information Technology, Faculty of Industrial Engineering, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Iran

2 Prof., Faculty of Industrial Engineering, K.N.Toosi University of Technology, Iran


Rapid growth of networks and social networks results in more access to people’s opinion. These opinions contain useful information. By analyzing these opinions, people’s preferences and their positive and negative opinions about different subjects can be identified. Opinion mining is the process of analyzing people’s emotions, feelings and opinions to identify their preferences. In this article, a method for opinion mining in Persian language is introduced that is a combination of SVM and lexicon as a set of features. The lexicon is created by using SentiWordNet. To assess the algorithm, data of hotel domain is collected. Four cases were defined and among those cases, the case in which frequency of word multiplies with its orientation got the best result. The proposed method performs better compared to other methods in Persian opinion mining.


Main Subjects

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